The prior version of Chapter 5-2 consisted of errors and has been corrected as of 10/15/2019.
Table Of Contents (Updated Sep 2019)
1-1 Forest County Potawatomi Constitution (07/14/1982)
1-3 Ordinance #0001 (08/21/1978)
1-5 Tribal Hall Alcohol(11/12/1983)
1-6 Government Official and Employee Ethics (12/09/1989)
1-7 Meeting Quorum (12/09/1989)
1-9 Right to Work (05/09/2015)
1-10 Animal Control (05/12/2018)
1-11 Residential Building Code (6-14-2023)
2-2 Foreign Judgment Enforcement(11/20/1999)
2-3 Garnishment of Earnings (11/20/1999)
3-1 Children’s Code (Amended) (08/14/2022)
3-4 Guardianship and Protective Proceedings Ordinance (Amended) (08/13/2022)
Title IV: Natural Resources and Environmental Protection
4-1 Solid Waste & Recyclables Ordinance (Amended) (08/13/22)
Title V: Business
5-1 Liquor Control (12/14/1991)
5-2 Gaming Control Second Amended and Restated (06/17/2019) (Updated 10/22/2019)
5-3 Gaming Revenue Allocation (08/08/1998) (Updated 5/13/2024)